Today on the podcast, we have a very special guest: the one and only Heidi Thompson, founder of Evolve Your Wedding Business and host of the Book More Wedding Summit and Wedding Business CEO Summit! We’re talking about something that every entrepreneur mulls over constantly, especially during the first few years of starting a business — how to market to your ideal client. This episode is information-packed, so I’m glad you clicked on this one today!
For the past nine years, Heidi has been teaching wedding professionals how to grow their business with marketing to squash their overwhelm. With extensive knowledge in the events industry and the marketing industry, Heidi has some great insight into how you can figure out who your ideal client is, what you need to know about them, where to find them, and how to take them along a customer-buying journey. And today, she’s sharing it all with us! So whip out that notebook and pen, and get your brain ready to soak in all the knowledge she offers!
Meet Heidi!
Heidi’s journey into the wedding industry, and how she married her love for marketing and events. (Pun intended.)
BTS of the Book More Weddings Summit!
The key ingredient for successful marketing: figuring out who your ideal client is.
But wait, how do you find your ideal clients?
Transforming your ideal client leads into paying customers.
How to Book More Weddings Post-COVID
October’s Book More Weddings Summit
Evolve Your Wedding Business Instagram
Evolve Your Wedding Business Website
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