As I’ve been getting much more interested in SEO and my companies’ strategy around it, I’ve been inviting more SEO experts to the podcast to learn along with all of you about SEO!
Before really getting into it, I didn’t think it was the most exciting topic — and I know I’m not alone in thinking that. However, after talking to some great SEO experts, like Adrienna McDermott who is our guest today, I’ve realized that SEO can actually be fascinating! (And not as scary as I once thought.)
Today, Adrienna is going to walk us through the biggest myths about SEO and blogging, plus some prompts you can use for your blogging strategy!
Meet Adrienna McDermott!
The meaning behind the name Adienna’s business, Ava And The Bee
Myth 1: Blogging is dead
The strategy behind blogging, and why blogging is so important.
How blogging can help your social media strategy.
Why Adrienna is passionate about teaching SEO for wedding professionals.
Myth 2: Blogging takes too long.
Myth 3: I have nothing to write about.
Blogging prompts and topic inspiration.
Adrienna’s free guide: The Wedding Pro’s Guide to Blogging
Ava And The Bee’s Done-For-You Blogging Services
Ava And The Bee’s Website
Ava And The Bee’s Instagram
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