I always get excited when we have a returning guest on the podcast, and today, we have a VERY special returning guest: Katy Padilla of Scarlet Rose Events!
In this episode, Katy and I talk about how her business has changed in just one year, what she’s done to exponentially grow her wedding and events planning business, and how YOU can take everything Katy’s learned and apply it to your own business!
No matter what stage of business you’re in, I know you’ll find this episode inspiring because of Katy’s infectious enthusiasm for learning and growth!
Meet Katy Padilla of Scarlet Rose Events.
Creating roles that best fit your employee’s expertise and interests.
The difference a year makes in a business.
Accurately keeping track of your business’s various income streams.
The benefits of having a team, being their mentor, and partnering with them.
Episode 76: Listen in on a 1:1 Coaching Call with Katy Padilla
Scarlet Rose Event Planning’s Website
Scarlet Rose Collective
Scarlet Rose Event Planning’s Instagram
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