It’s time to dig into a little bit of data and you guys KNOW I’m a data girl. So today, I’m doing a deep dive into this article by Signet Jewelers. Signet Jewelers is the largest jeweler in the world and they track 45 data points about dating couples.
Over the last several decades, they’ve been able to ascertain through all of this data that most couples date for 3. 25 years. Now, why is this important to us here at the end of 2023? Well, I don’t know about you, but 2023 has felt like a little bit of a wild ride, right? 2020 and 2021 were just kind of like what in the actual heck is happening right now? And then 2022 hit and there were so many wedding pros that were like turning down business because there was more business than there were wedding pros!
Well, here in 2023, I think we got the roller coaster that none of us wanted. It’s been a roller coaster of, bookings up and then bookings down. On top of that, everything in the world costs more today and couples are being so much more conservative with their money!
BUT after diving into all of this data I have good news for you! Signet Jewelers is actually anticipating more engagements to happen, next year, than pre-pandemic!! So, what does this mean for you? Well, it means there’s some work to do!
What does this entail?? Well, you need to be showing up on social media consistently. Couples want to make sure you are still IN business. So what does that look like? That looks like posting 3-5 times a week, even if you’re fully referral based. People like to buy from people they know, like, and trust.
I guarantee you that this is where so many of you are losing your ability to book these leads because you aren’t doing great follow up! This is where so many of you are losing your ability to book these leads because you aren’t doing great follow up. You need a great email funnel to send them through.
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You need to use the assume method! You need to understand exactly how to be confident in your consult and exactly how to make your couple feel seen.
If you don’t know what the assume method is just away of meeting with your couples and spending 85 percent of the consult on them talking only 15 percent about you and always. Only talking about their pain points, right? So you’re using the answers to all those questions you asked them during the consult to assume the sale.
Get excited because we’re about to have a killer 2024 engagement season!
I am incredibly, incredibly passionate about using data to help tell us know what’s about to happen so we can prepare our businesses and we can take advantage of all that’s coming!
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