You know the feeling. You’re dreading returning THIS voicemail.
A client upset about something that you may not have even done but either way, they want to tell you how upset they are with you/your company/your people.
You know you can’t avoid it. You must make the call. But before you do, it’s important to think about what you want the outcome to be.
Do you want the client to not be upset any longer or do you want to turn them into a RAVING FAN??
This episode outlines my 4 steps to de-escalate the situation, understand the problem and have this client telling all of their friends just how amazing you are!!
Here are some of my favorite nuggets to listen in to:
06:57 4 Steps to Raving Fandom
08:32 Step 1 – Listen
11:19 Step 2 – Empathize
13:14 Step 3 – Ask
19:18 Step 4 – Thank clients for feedback
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