Earning six figures doesn’t equal success. I am passionate about you defining success on your own.
But as I connect with more wedding planners, I know a lot of planners still trying to figure out how to even make an income from their business.
It makes me think back to my days as a solopreneur and what I did to scale to six figures over the past several years.
So I’m taking you behind the curtain and sharing the three integral pillars you need to scaling multiple six figures in your wedding planning business.
Listen for These Nuggets During the Show:
02:29 how do you define success?
02:57 3 pillars of a 6-fig wedding biz
03:26 pillar 1 – strategic delegation
12:47 pillar 2 – your network
19:33 pillar 3 – be amazing at ONE talent
Download a full transcript of this episode here!
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