Hey there, CEO’s! Welcome to the Wedding Pro CEO podcast. I’m your host, Brandee Gaar, and my mission is to help you, the wedding industry entrepreneur, to build a profitable wedding business that you’ve always dreamed of.
On today’s show, we have a juicy topic, and I know that you guys are excited about this one because I get so many DM’s asking me about how to use A.I. effectively in your wedding business. So I decided to bring on my good friend Sara Dunn from Sara Does SEO because, I mean do you know how amazing she is?
If you don’t, well, you’ll find out in this episode. We are breaking down not only how you can use A.I. effectively in your business to make you more efficient and to write better copy for your business, blog posts, social media posts, TikToks, all the things, but we’re also talking about the do’s and don’ts of how to use SEO effectively in your business and to make sure you’re not being caught in Google Jail.
If you’ve wondered how you can use A.I., what the buzz is all about, if it can actually help you in your business. This is an episode that you do not want to miss, so I cannot wait for you to hear from Sara Dunn.
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Sara is a wedding SEO specialist. So essentially, Sara helps wedding businesses show up on search engines when their ideal clients are searching for exactly what they do and what they offer. So, a lot of my work has to do with creating content, updating websites.
I think we can all agree that our interest in A.I. and how it could help our businesses definitely peaked when Chat GPT came out! These kind of tools that assist us and try to use information and patterns from the past in order to predict what we’re looking for in the future.
If any of you are listening to this and you’re like, yeah, I’ve heard rumblings about it, but I still don’t really, you know, I’ve never even opened it, I encourage you to go over to chat.openai.com and start playing with it. You need to create an account, but it’s completely free, at least for now.
I use it quite a bit, but I still give it very simple commands, like I’ll say, write a podcast outline for this topic, or what is something that wedding business owners are searching for now, and so it’ll, it’ll spit some things out.
“Transform your business with AI writing tools and SEO strategies.”
Sara Dunn
Something that’s really important is Google’s new emphasis on personal firsthand experience. Google is trying to train its algorithm to actually detect what content has been written in firsthand experience, because if you tell Chat GPT to write a blog post about such and such wedding venue that you’ve never been to, and all it’s gonna do is go research what’s online.
What Google wants to see is actually that this was written by someone who’s physically been to that place and had firsthand experience, and so it’s really powerful as a wedding vendor. If you can say, I love this venue because reason one, two, and three, and I want you to all think about using those phrases that would indicate to the reader and to Google that you do have firsthand experience.
Consider using AI for:
Do not consider using AI for:
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Bye for now!!! 😊
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