My family and I were at the beach this weekend. It was honestly not a typical beach day here in Florida. It was overcast and windy with rain sprouting up here and there but we had plans with friends so we decided to enjoy the empty beach and rare opportunity to enjoy the sand without lathering up in sunscreen!
About an hour after we arrived, our kids pointed out that the hotel was setting up for a wedding right behind us. And as an event planner, I thought….hmmmm…I wonder if we should move. We’re going to be right in the way of these pics. But then it all happened really fast!
All of a sudden we see about 15 guests (most wearing masks) coming out to the sand. There were no chairs so they were just huddled around. Then we see THE BRIDE! Huh?? Why is the bride here already? Where is the groom? Even my teenager was wondering what was going on.
So we’re all kind of watching at this point because there’s no time to move. We see the bride fussing with her shoes and eventually taking them off. (She had on 4 inch heels so I’m guessing no one told her the wedding was on a beach.)
As we’re all still wondering where the groom is, we begin to see, off in the distance, a white horse with a man on it carrying an American Flag. A GIANT American Flag! Now mind you…the weather is crazy so how he didn’t get carried off of this horse by the wind catching that flag is beyond me but maybe he’s done this before??
He makes his way to the altar and the bride comes to the horse, takes the grooms hand and then the horse decides he wants no part of it. A friend helps to control the horse and the groom jumps down, they do a 2-minute ceremony (if that??) take some pictures and head off into the sunset!
It was literally the most bizarre wedding experience I have ever had and I didn’t even have anything to do with this one! I’m telling you….real life is always more bizarre than fiction! And that love comes in all kinds of crazy ways!
Don’t you wish I would have been smart enough to grab my phone to capture all of this for your viewing pleasure?? Haha! You know I did! Click here to see for yourself!
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