Do you ever feel like you have so many balls in the air it’s just inevitable that one will drop soon??
Or have you every been playing with your kids and have a guilty pit in your stomach because you know there’s a list of to-dos sitting on your desk screaming for your attention??
Is this what you left the 9-5 for?? As an entrepreneur, you’re likely working way more hours than you did at your full time job and you may not even be drawing a regular paycheck yet!
I will never regret jumping into my business full time but it didn’t take me long to realize that I needed to put some systems in place to re-gain my sanity!
Here are 3 tips I use to juggle All The Things:
1. Use an electronic calendar.
I personally use Google calendar but any that meet your needs will work. You just want to be sure that you can color code each calendar so that you can easily see what’s family time, work time, etc…
Give access to the people who may need it so they can easily see where you are. For instance, my staff and my husband have access to my appointment calendar, my staff has access to our event calendar, my husband and oldest daughter have access to our family calendar, etc… I also have access to each of my staff’s appointment calendars so I can know if they have time to answer a quick text or call by simply glancing at their calendar.
2. Automate everything!!!
Gosh, this one took me way too long to learn! If it can be done with human intervention, do it!! I promise that the cost of a human to join your team part time or even hourly on call is more expensive than the monthly fees for most of the automations you can buy.
My very very favorite automation?? Acuity Scheduling! If someone needs to meet with me, I just shoot them my link to schedule a 30-minute coffee chat or a 90-minute intensive or whatever they need. They can choose the time that works best for them AND I can prompt them for any information I’ll need in advance of the call and I have to do 0 things to make that all happen (well…once it’s setup of course).
I’m telling you that it’s worth the 2-3 hours it will take you to learn a new system and get it setup to save you 10s of hours in the future!! This can include your calendar, email replies, consult scheduling for new clients, email prompts to review your services after an event and so much more!!
3. Get into a mastermind or FB group of like minded entrepreneurs who will help you to level up, share ideas and best practices and encourage you on a journey that can often feel lonely!
This has been a total game changer for me in our business as I never realized how much I needed a community where I can grow and be challenged as a business owner until I was in one.
As I was working through a group call one afternoon recently I realized, not a single person in either of the memberships I’m in are an event professional. Wait…really? I double checked and yep…not one. I joined each of these groups for various reasons but mainly to be surrounded by other kick-butt entrepreneurs. And I LOVE it!
But what I realized….none of them are in my world. None of them can help when I need to talk through how to handle a crazy bride or an insurance question or how to bonus by staff or create a sales commission for my sales manager or how to create a great vendor list and so much more.
So, I decided to start one myself! A group just like the 2 I’m already in (and will stay in!) but specifically for event pros like you and me. An exclusive membership of engaged event industry business owners looking to level up their businesses to grow beyond a job and start creating a business that is profitable, successful and best of all, can run without their constant oversight.
An exclusive membership of engaged event industry business owners looking to level up their businesses to grow beyond a job and start creating a business that is profitable, successful and best of all, can run without their constant oversight.
Sound like you?? I’m so excited to be working on all of the details and would love to shoot you an email when we’re ready to launch this Fall so be sure to join the waitlist!
I will be capping the membership to keep the group intimate and engaged because my deepest desire is to see us share ideas, strategy and education to help us grow together. Be the first to know when it’s set to go!
I’d love to know what you have introduced into your business to keep all the balls in the air?? What’s one productivity tool or trick that you can’t live without??
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