Brandee Gaar


Brandee is a proven sales + profit strategist with a decade-long track record for helping wedding professionals transform their businesses from expensive hobbies to thriving careers. 


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Transcript of Short 37

“On today’s Thursday short, I’m going to share three super simple, easy ways for you to get the most ROI out of the Reels you’re creating!

Hey, their CEOs. Welcome back to today’s Thursday short of the Wedding Pro CEO podcast. I’m your host, Brandee Gaar, and I am on a mission to help you, the wedding industry entrepreneur, to build a profitable business that you love.

Okay, guys, on today’s Thursday short, I’m going to share three super simple, easy ways for you to get the most ROI out of the Reels you’re creating!!

Now, if you are at all part of my community, you know that I am extremely passionate about why you should be making Reels. So we are not going to talk about that because there’s about, a dozen episodes or more that you can refer back to on this podcast about how to make Reels, how to, get the most “juice” out of your Reels, how to collaborate on Reels, how to use templates, how to make five minute Reels.

And you can also come over to the Wedding Pro CEO community. Facebook, and we share lots of tips in there as well about how to use Reels and why you should be using them.

Today what I want to share with you is three really simple ways to actually get the most ROI out of your Reels and how to share it onto other platforms, super, super simple without having to even use another app.

Today what I want to share with you is three really simple ways to actually get the most ROI out of your Reels and how to share it onto other platforms, super, super simple without having to even use another app. Because you guys know we are busy business owners and we do not have time to download a bunch of apps to help us maneuver this whole social media thing. We gotta get in, we gotta make it easy, and we gotta get the heck out, and we’ve got to get the most ROI every single time, from the Reels that we’re making.

Tip number one is that I want you to share your Reel to your story.

Now, I know you’re probably like, duh, Brandee, but you would be shocked at how many people don’t do this. Okay?

Tip number one is that I want you to share your Reel to your story.

So once you create and post a Reel, I want you to make sure that it’s posted to your feed.

So there’s a little toggle button when you’re posting it. This says, Post to your feed, or don’t post to your feed. That should always be on! You want it to post to your feed.

And then I also want you to share that to your story right away. The reason this is important is because our stories are going to show to all the people who already follow us, and you’re going to bop right to the front of their storyline. You know that thing across the top showing all the different stories. So I want you to show that real to all the people that follow you right there on your story, right away. That’s going to help you to get some “juice” in the algorithm immediately and for Instagram to realize that people are interacting with your Reel.

Now, a lot of people think that it’s necessary to cover the Reel, because the views only count if somebody actually clicks on it. But, that’s not true. Instagram has told us that’s not true. So you can just post it to your story however you want. If you want to put something over it so people have to click, you can, But that’s not necessary for the algorithm.

“The second tip is, I want you to share it to TikTok.

The second one is, I want you to share it to TikTok. Okay?

Now this is actually going to be super simple. There’s lots of apps out there that you can use, but the way I do it, and again, I try to keep it as easy as possible and as quick as possible. I post my Reel and then I open the Reel back up.

So it’s already posted.

I’m going to open the Reel back up.

I’m going to click the three dots in the bottom right corner.

One of the options is going to be, save to your device.

I click that and I let it save, and it’s going to save to your camera roll.

Now I’m going to go open that same Reel in my camera roll.

So now it’s saved as a video on your camera roll.

But Instagram got smart and they started putting their logo, their watermark on the bottom of the videos when you export it from Instagram.

You don’t want to upload that to TikTok.

One, it’s messy.

Two, TikTok is going to likely start suppressing that soon and making sure that you don’t have the Instagram logo on all of your TikToks.

And it also is in the same space as your, text is when on TikTok.

It just looks super messy if you leave the Instagram logo on there.

So what I want you to do is save it to your device, open your camera roll, and then all you have to do is click, edit, and then crop.

Okay, so follow me here…

You’re going to save it to your camera roll.

You’re going to click edit in your camera roll.

And all you’re going to do is just crop the video just above the Instagram logo to remove the Instagram logo from your video.

Then you just save it, and then now you’re going to go over to TikTok and you’re going to post that same, Reel, that same video, but it’s not going to have the Instagram logo on it.

Now little pro tip over here on TikTok.

So we did an episode about this not too long ago, which was the, Reels versus TikTok, Which one is superior?

And, it’s really, really important that on TikTok, the purpose of TikTok is to be seen by more people.

Your videos have a better chance of going viral over there. There’s a whole different audience over there.

But people don’t shop on TikTok. And as a business owner, we want them to shop. We want them to buy from us.

So what you want to do is you want to make sure you have a business TikTok (account).

That’s important!

And once you have a business TikTok account, it’s going to allow you to put a link in your profile. You can use that same link that you use in your Instagram profile, like your smart bio or your link tree.

That way people can come over and visit you on Instagram.

What we want to do is, we want to use the people who are following us on TikTok and bring them over to Instagram because people shop and create relationships on Instagram, but it’s easier to get found on TikTok.

So, repurpose your Reels over there, but I also want to make sure that you have your links to come find you on Instagram in your profile of TikTok. Okay?

And that’s what a ton of people do over there. They say, “Come visit me on Instagram” which is perfect.

And then the third tip that I want you to do with all of your Reels…

Now… go over to YouTube and I want you to create a YouTube short!”

You’ve already got your Reel with the Instagram watermark off of it, because you’ve already downloaded it to your device, you’ve cropped off the Instagram watermark, and now I want you to go over to YouTube and I want you to create YouTube shorts.

So YouTube shorts are exactly like Reels and TikToks. They’re 60 seconds or less videos. They’re vertical, they’re not horizontal like the rest of all the YouTube videos and they are literally just there to compete with TikTok and Instagram.

So it’s really, really simple to upload your shorts there.

Open up the YouTube app on your phone, you’ll see a little plus button in the bottom middle of your screen.

You’re going to hit plus and then upload that same video. Then you’re going to add a description to it and you’re going to post it. And that’s literally it.

It’s really, really simple to be able to take your Reels, that you’re already creating and getting all this “juice” from and now we’re going to repurpose it over onto TikTok, and then we’re going to repurpose it over onto YouTube.

Why do we want to repurpose it onto YouTube?

YouTube is still one of the top search engines to exist, right? So if somebody wants to know, how to do something, most often, they’re going to go to YouTube to search it.

So especially for your educational Reels where you’re saying, “How to save money on your budget, how to plan your floral, how to, line up your processional for your wedding,” whatever it is that you want to share for all of those educational Reels, those are going to kill it over on YouTube shorts.

So putting those educational Reels, over on YouTube shorts is going to be a massive piece of your education over on YouTube, and it’ll help you to come up and search more often.

So that’s really why we want to share over on YouTube.

On Instagram we’re sharing cuz that’s where our engaged couples are and that’s where the most business is done because of your DMs.

On TikTok we are sharing over there because that’s where you can really go viral and you can get a lot more eyes on your content.

And then on YouTube that’s where we’re going to put a lot of our educational content so that we come up in the search engines and it’s all one piece of short form video.

And that’s it!!!

I hope this was helpful and I cannot wait to see how you repurpose all of your videos!!

Thank you so much for being here, and I will see you next time!!

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