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[00:00:00] Brandee Gaar: Hey there, CEOs. Welcome back to today’s Thursday short of the Wedding Pro CEO Podcast. I’m your host, Brandee Gaar, and as always, my mission with this podcast is to help you to ditch the overwhelm and to build a profitable wedding business that you love. You guys today is Thanksgiving day, and so while some of you may not be listening to this actually on Thanksgiving, because I hope that you are enjoying time with your families and making lots of delicious, yummy food, I do hope that you will pause this Thanksgiving season to really think about what you are thankful for in your business!
[00:00:40] Brandee Gaar: As entrepreneurs, we don’t have an HR department or an owner of the company or somebody above us, a boss to tell us, Hey, good job. You really killed it on your goals this year. Or, Hey, I’m really impressed with how you’re moving the company forward. It’s really on us to make sure that we give [00:01:00] ourselves those little
[00:01:02] Brandee Gaar: and as entrepreneurs that drive, that’s within us to always kind of strive for the next level and to take our business to the next level can sometimes keep us from recognizing how far we’ve already come. So often we see businesses on social media that look like there’s so much further ahead than us, and the comparison game starts, right?
[00:01:27] Brandee Gaar: I don’t know if you guys have ever felt that, but I know I’ve, I’ve done it to myself before where I see other businesses that look like they’re so much further ahead than mine, and I think to myself, why have I not done this? Why have I not done that? I feel like I’m behind. I feel like I don’t have it all together.
[00:01:43] Brandee Gaar: Right? But what I want you to remember is that. You are comparing your real life to someone else’s highlight reel. Listen, y’all know that your girl loves some social media, right? I’m never gonna talk bad about social media. I think it’s the best gift to ever be given [00:02:00] to entrepreneurs in this decade. I absolutely love it.
[00:02:03] Brandee Gaar: But some of the pitfalls of it are that you really are comparing what you’re going through every single day to just simply a highlight reel. So this Thanksgiving and in this short episode, here’s what I wanna encourage you to do, CEOs. Okay? I want you to take just a few minutes sometime this Thanksgiving weekend.
[00:02:22] Brandee Gaar: We all know you’re gonna have time to just sit on the couch and kind of chill while everybody’s in a food coma. And I want you to either write down in your phone or write in your remarkable or on a notepad somewhere that you’re gonna keep. I want you to really think about what have you done this year that you’re thankful for?
[00:02:39] Brandee Gaar: And it can be so simple. It could be that this time last year you had 20 weddings booked for this year, and now going into next year, you already have 30 weddings booked. Like it’s a huge milestone, right? It could be that you onboarded a new employee, either a part-timer, even a va, or you brought on [00:03:00] your first full-time employee, and that can feel completely overwhelming all year long.
[00:03:03] Brandee Gaar: But what a. Awesome thing that you did, right? What a milestone accomplishment is bringing on a new staff member?! It could be absolutely anything that you’re thankful for, but the reason that I want you to do this is because it is so important as business owners, as entrepreneurs, for us to give ourselves these little wins.
[00:03:23] Brandee Gaar: For us to be able to look back at our business 10 months ago and to think. All the things that we had hoped it would be by this time this year, and to think about the ones that we’ve accomplished, and there may even be something that never even made it to a vision board or made it to a goal board last year that you’ve accomplished this year.
[00:03:42] Brandee Gaar: I want you to write that down no matter how little I want you to write down. What have you accomplished this year that you’re so proud of? Because this is how we become thankful for our businesses. This is part of that mindset that helps us to not. Hate our business when we’re [00:04:00] overwhelmed and gosh, I know so many of us have been overwhelmed this year, but when you look back and you can see that maybe your business gave you the flexibility to go on a field trip with one of your kids, or maybe your business gave you the schedule that made, you able to be able to hang out with your husband and go on a trip with your husband this year.
[00:04:20] Brandee Gaar: There’s lots of things that your business can give to you, but if we don’t look for them, the things that are gonna be the most glaring are gonna be the things that. Are the most difficult. That’s just human nature. And so this Thanksgiving season, I really want you to just take a few minutes and I want you to write down at least one thing that you’re thankful for in your business, that you are proud of yourself and your team for accomplishing this year.
[00:04:45] Brandee Gaar: And then what I want you to do is I want you to jump over to the Wedding Pro CEO community on Facebook. If you’re not already part of the community, you can do so just by clicking the link in the show notes below. I want you to come over to the community and I want you to tell us, tell us just one [00:05:00] thing that you’re thankful for in your business this year, and I’m gonna share mine over there as well, because y’all, listen.
[00:05:07] Brandee Gaar: I made this episode as much for me as I am for you, because there’s been several times this year where I have compared myself to other coaches and other educators, and I’ve said, gosh, I wish that I could accomplish everything that they’re accomplishing. And then I find out at a conference that we’re at, or just in conversation that they’re thinking the same thing about me.
[00:05:29] Brandee Gaar: The comparison game is real and we all do it to ourselves, and it’s so bad. We need to really focus on our own race. I want you to focus on what you’ve done well and what you want to accomplish in next year. Okay? So right now, in this moment, write down what you’re thankful for this year in your business, and then I want you to come over to the Wedding Pro CEO community, and I want you to tell us one thing that you are thankful for this year in your business.
[00:05:55] Brandee Gaar: You guys, thank you so much. I am so grateful for this community, for [00:06:00] this podcast, for the opportunity to get to drop into your feed and your AirPods every single week. Thank you for inviting me in. Thank you for letting me make an impact in your business every single week. I do not take that time for granted at all.
[00:06:18] Brandee Gaar: So thank you. Thank you for being part of this community, and if there was an episode this year that you heard on the Wedding Pro CEO podcast that really impacted you, I would appreciate it so much if you would share it on your social media and. Tag me so I can say thank you so much for sharing it, and thank you for being part of this community.[00:06:38] Brandee Gaar: You guys, happy Thanksgiving. I am so thankful to be here and I thank you for being here every single week and I will see you next time.
Happy Thanksgiving CEOs!!!
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