“82% of engaged couples are researching for their vendors on social media. DO NOT make it hard for them to communicate with you.”
-Brandee Gaar
[00:00:00] Brandee Gaar: On today’s show, I’m gonna tell you exactly the three things that you’re doing probably wrong, and how to fix them so that you can increase your sales in 2023 from social media.
[00:00:11] Brandee Gaar: So, are you ready?
[00:00:12] Brandee Gaar: Hey, their CEOs. Welcome back to today’s Thursday short of the Wedding Pro CEO podcast. I’m your host, Brandee Gaar, and as always, my mission is to help you to build a profitable wedding business that you love. On today’s short, we are gonna talk about three reasons that you are not making sales from social media.
[00:00:32] Brandee Gaar: Now this can be Instagram, TikTok, sometimes even Facebook, but I hear it all the time. Wedding Pros say, oh, nope, I don’t really sell on social media. I just kind of keep up with it cuz I know I’m supposed to. And I’m like, oh, no, no, no, no. Social media is there for us to have yet another tool, yet another funnel into selling to our ideal clients.
[00:00:56] Brandee Gaar: And the coolest thing about social media with [00:01:00] Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, is that you can speak directly to these warm leads who are excited to book you. So how can we increase the number of leads that are coming to us that turn into buying clients? All right. number one is you either have an unclear or maybe just generic profile. What do I mean by that? Think about this. How many wedding professionals are in your market alone that do the exact same thing that you do? For instance, I’m an Orlando wedding planner. There’s probably, I don’t even know, I’m probably being conservative here, but there’s probably 40 other Orlando wedding planners or more.
[00:01:41] Brandee Gaar: So if someone’s looking up Orlando wedding planner, and all of these people come up, what makes my company stand out over all of the other ones? You have to know what makes your company unique, what makes your team unique? What do you deliver? Because if you’re just talking about,[00:02:00] we’re gonna make your flawless details perfect.
[00:02:02] Brandee Gaar: Well, hello. Every wedding planner should be doing that, right? Or if your profile says something, like Now booking 2023 – 2024 weddings. No kidding. So is everyone else. What makes you different from everyone else? What makes your team unique? What are you gonna deliver on? What do your clients always say about you?
[00:02:22] Brandee Gaar: Are you like the queen of logistics? Do you love to pack a dance floor with like a party and you’re the best mixing DJ in town? do you take sweet, airy photos and you deliver within two weeks? What makes you unique as that wedding pro that is gonna help a client really to connect with you?
[00:02:46] Brandee Gaar: One that I really love is for videographers, maybe it’s that you are gonna tell their entire love story. Through this video. It’s not just capturing the day, it’s actually capturing the emotion and the story of how they met and how [00:03:00] they’re joining two families as one. That’s a great one for people that are like, yes, I’m building a legacy and I want this right, they’re gonna pay extra for that.
[00:03:09] Brandee Gaar: What I want you to really, really think about is I want you to go right now and I want you to look at your Instagram profile, and I want you to think, does this describe what we do? Does this make us different from everyone else? And then the other thing I would challenge you to do is to go onto Instagram in the search bar and type in your greatest keyword, let’s say Orlando wedding planner for me, right?
[00:03:30] Brandee Gaar: One. I wanna make sure you’re coming. that’s important. But I also want you to look at what other people that are coming up for that same keyword are saying.
[00:03:39] Brandee Gaar: This can help you to really think about how you differentiate yourself from your other competitors in your market. Remember, our engaged couples are starting to use Instagram like a search engine. So they’re going in, they’re typing in the keyword they’re getting all of these recommendations and how are you gonna stand out from the crowd?
[00:03:56] Brandee Gaar: How are you gonna be the one that they connect with? And for those people that [00:04:00] don’t connect with you, that’s okay too because you want right there, as soon as they see your profile, for them to know if you are the one for them or not.
[00:04:08] Brandee Gaar: Okay. Number two, you’re making it difficult to talk to you, right? What do I mean by this?
[00:04:14] Brandee Gaar: Number one is you should be inviting your followers into a DM conversation with you, or at a minimum, inviting them to write comments to you on your post. Now, not everyone will do this, cuz this is a super high level of engagement.
[00:04:29] Brandee Gaar: but for the people who do want to do it, for the people who are really excited, they’re warm leads, they wanna talk to you, you need to be present in your comments and present in your dms.
[00:04:41] Brandee Gaar: I do not, I do not want to see autoresponders on Instagram telling them to go to your website. Oh my gosh. My number one nemesis when I go to DM a Wedding Pro is when I get an auto response from Instagram and it says, thank you so much for inquiring with us.
[00:04:58] Brandee Gaar: Please head over to our [00:05:00] website to fill out our inquiry form. They’re already hot right there in your dms, and I understand this may mess up your workflow, but guess what, you guys, 82% and climbing of engaged couples are researching their vendors on social media. They’re hot right there. So why would you want to create this friction in your sales process instead of just answering right there in your dms? No, you don’t necessarily have to send a contract through your dms, but answering their questions, sending them a link to your packages, sending them a link to your most frequently asked questions, and really having a conversation right there in the dms can also help you to save time.
[00:05:37] Brandee Gaar: Because you may not have to do a consult. You may be able to answer all of their questions right there in the dms. We have done this so many times for my planning company, and it actually ends up saving us time because they’ve already looked at all of our work. They’ve already talked to us. Now in the dms, they don’t even need to do a consult.
[00:05:53] Brandee Gaar: They just wanna go ahead and get a contract.
[00:05:54] Brandee Gaar: The other thing I see that makes it difficult to work with you or difficult to connect with you is [00:06:00] your “link in bio” leads everywhere except your contact us page.
Which of the 3 tips will you implement today?
[00:06:05] Brandee Gaar: Go right now. Go to your profile and click your link in bio and I want you to make sure that your very first link at the very top.
[00:06:14] Brandee Gaar: is how to work with you. Book a consult with us, contact us, email us, schedule a consult. Whatever it is, however you do it, I wanna make sure that the very first link is how to work with you. Okay? It’s not sending them just to your homepage of your website. It’s not sending them to some random blog. It’s certainly not sending them to some publication where you’ve been published, where they’re gonna see 19 other people that do what you do.
[00:06:37] Brandee Gaar: None of this, okay? It’s literally going to be how to work with you. Okay? So that’s tip number two is make it easy to connect with you through your dms, through your comments, or through your “link in bio”.
[00:06:48] Brandee Gaar: Number three, and the one I think we miss the most is that you don’t have a call to action. People do not take action unless you tell them to. They’re not gonna double tap or [00:07:00] follow or share or save or comment or whatever else you want them to do unless you tell them to do it.
[00:07:07] Brandee Gaar: We’re aimlessly scrolling. We’re busy. Think about yourself as a consumer. I’m on TikTok all the time now, I feel like, because I’m trying to understand the app and I wanna see what other people make and how they’re doing it. So I’m really doing a lot of research over there, and I can’t tell you how often I really enjoy a video and I forget to double tap.
[00:07:26] Brandee Gaar: I just forget. I’m just scrolling. I’m researching so I don’t think about it. But when somebody says double tap. I do it, or especially if I liked it, right? Or if they say, save this video for later. What? That’s huge. Or follow me for more tips. You guys, these are great calls to action. And every single post that you do should have a call to action on it, especially your short form video that you’re posting either on Instagram or over on TikTok.
[00:07:55] Brandee Gaar: I want you to really think about the calls to action that you have on those. [00:08:00] It doesn’t always have to be into a sale like dm us or, you know, book a consult with us today. Those are super high, high engagement, actions, right? You don’t, it doesn’t always have to be that. It can be as simple. Double tap if you like this video or share with an engaged friend.
[00:08:18] Brandee Gaar: Or save this for later, right? Especially if it’s like, three questions to ask your DJ when you’re booking your dj. This is a great one. Save this video for when you’re ready to book your dj. So simple, right? Or if it’s a tip about how to collect their RSVPs, how to manage their RSVPs, save this tip for when all those RSVPs start rolling in, right?
[00:08:39] Brandee Gaar: Okay, so we’ve got share with an engaged friend. We’ve got double tap. If you liked this video or if you felt this, like if you have, let’s say you share a video of a first look, or you share a funny video of like a ring bearer doing something funny at a wedding. These are great. Double taps, right? Double tap if you’re gonna have a ring bearer at your wedding.[00:09:00]
[00:09:00] Brandee Gaar: Double tap if you want your fiance to look at you like this on your wedding day, right? Like whatever that is. Okay. Another really great one is if you’re showing photos of let’s say groomsmen or bridesmaids or any kind of wedding party, right? Any kind of fun photos wedding party, you can say Tag your ride or die in.
[00:09:21] Brandee Gaar: This is a great one to get other people tagged in your comments. This is great for engagement. It’s also great to get more eyes and more followers who will probably be of the marrying age as well to follow your page. So really, really think about what do I want them to do? I wanna create engagement. I want to make sure that.
[00:09:40] Brandee Gaar: the people that are following me are actually enjoying my content. I wanna see what kind of content they want me to make. Next. Educational content is a great way to make short form video to make reels or tos, educate to the pain points. We are coming into the season right now where everyone’s getting engaged.
[00:09:58] Brandee Gaar: So what do they need to do? What do they [00:10:00] need to do next? It makes it really, really simple to share solutions to their problems. And then a great thing that you can do, a great call to action is follow us for more wedding planning tips, or follow us for more tips on how to book your vendors or follow us for whatever it is, right?
[00:10:18] Brandee Gaar: Follow us for ideas, for all of your songs, whatever it is. But you really wanna get those followers engaged, so always. Always have a call to action on every single post so that you can move people through that buying journey and get them to become a warmer lead and really get them to become part of your community.
[00:10:37] Brandee Gaar: I’m telling you, social media is one of the best ways to grow your sales and you’re missing out on these opportunities if you’re not doing them.
[00:10:47] Brandee Gaar: if you need help with this, I would love you to come over to the Wedding Pro, CEO, Facebook community. and I would love for you to engage with us over there and tell us what are some of the calls to action that you’re using or what is your unique [00:11:00] selling proposition in your profile?
[00:11:01] Brandee Gaar: Come over, we’ll give you feedback. I absolutely love engaging with wedding pros over in the community, and it’s such a thriving, bustling place to be and to grow your profitable business that you love. Thank you so much for being here, and I will see you next time.
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