“Maybe you need to change the plan. Maybe you need to do something different as you start to see if things work or don’t, but you have to keep taking action.”
-Brandee Gaar
[00:00:00] Brandee Gaar: the difference between whether I’m gonna succeed or whether I’m gonna fail is simply action. And I wanna give you three tips on this podcast to really help you to understand what I mean by simply taking action.
The Wedding Pro CEO SHORTS are quick, bite-sized episodes are meant to inspire you as you build the business you’re dreaming of!
[00:00:14] Brandee Gaar: Hey, their CEOs. Welcome back to today’s Thursday short of the Wedding Pro CEO podcast. I’m your host, Brandee Gaar, and my mission is to help you, the wedding industry entrepreneur, to build a profitable wedding business that you love. On today’s show, we are talking about the difference between success and failure, and this actually came.
[00:00:35] Brandee Gaar: Quite a bit this week in our CEO Mastermind group. I absolutely love this group. if you’ve ever wanted to feel driven and have other CEOs that are going through the same thing you are and are just like, Doing the dang thing and setting massive goals and crushing those goals. Oh my gosh, my CEO mastermind group is where that is happening.
[00:00:56] Brandee Gaar: I absolutely love these wedding pros that are in this [00:01:00] group with me. This week, we were looking at our goals for next year and really just taking a peek at how we’re going to achieve those, and several questions kept coming up over and over again. It was like, but how am I gonna get that many clients and are you sure I can make that much money?
[00:01:15] Brandee Gaar: Funny thing is, that this time last year, we were doing a similar exercise, and more than half of them have actually crushed the goals that they set for last year, like crushed them into smithereens. So it’s funny that now we’re getting scared again of did I make too big of a goal?
[00:01:31] Brandee Gaar: But it’s so normal at this time of year. The difference though, between someone who succeeds and someone who fails at their goals is honestly simple. It’s just action. Now, I know some of you might be like, yeah, right, Brandee, you don’t even understand because you’ve already hit that level of success. Well, I’ll remind you that yes, with blush, we have hit that level of success, and I feel so blessed, so honored for the success that we’ve found with blush. However, with my [00:02:00] coaching business, this business that you guys have watched me grow over the last two years, it is just like building a brand new business. It is absolutely the same. So I go through some of those similar struggles that some of you in those early years of your business are going through.
[00:02:14] Brandee Gaar: I doubt myself, I’m not sure if I can make the goals that I’ve set for myself. I get frustrated when I miss a goal, right? What I really have tried to remind myself of this week as well, is that the difference between whether I’m gonna succeed or whether I’m gonna fail is simply action. And I wanna give you three tips on this podcast to really help you to understand what I mean by simply taking action.
[00:02:40] Brandee Gaar: I want you to stop thinking about all of the things that you wanna do next year, and I want you to actually start doing all of the things that you wanna do. Okay? We’re gonna put a plan in place. Okay? Number one is to assess the need that you actually have. let’s say that in January you need to book three new clients. [00:03:00] Okay? Might sound easy might sound super difficult to some of you, right? But just go with me on this analogy and use the numbers as your company needs.
[00:03:08] Brandee Gaar: Let’s say you need to book three new clients for January, and that feels like a big goal for you.
[00:03:13] Brandee Gaar: all we need to do is reverse engineer that. I want you to think about, to book three new clients, how many consults do you need to do? You should have that number, or at least a really close estimate of that number if you listen to this show, because I’ve pushed you guys to know your data, know your numbers, right?
[00:03:30] Brandee Gaar: So to book three clients, how many consults do you have to do? What I want you to look at is how many consults actually book? Is it 50% of your consults? Is it 10% of your consults? Whatever that number is, that’s how many consults you need to book in January. Okay? now that you know how many consults you need to book, I want you to look at, how many leads do you need to bring in?
[00:03:52] Brandee Gaar: Because not every lead turns into a consult, right? Some people inquire, you’re out of their price range, they inquire, you don’t have their data available, whatever reason, [00:04:00] but how many leads go to consult? And it’s the same numbers I’ve told you to track before, which is, what is your percentage of leads that come in that actually go to a consult?
[00:04:10] Brandee Gaar: So now you should have that number. If you need to do five consults in order to get three bookings and only half of your leads that come in actually ever book a consult, you now know you need to get 10 leads to be able to book those three weddings, right? That’s it. I am not oversimplifying you guys.
Which of the 3 tips will you implement today?
[00:04:28] Brandee Gaar: This is how simple it is. We’re just gonna reverse engineer the result that we want. We wanna book three leads. That’s the need that we have. So what do we need to do to get there? What is the number we need to book? 10 leads. Okay, so now you just need to go get those leads.
[00:04:45] Brandee Gaar: Okay, so that brings us to number two, which is to make a plan. okay, You know that your need is three new clients and you know you’ve gotta get 10 leads to be able to book those three clients, right? Now we need to actually make a plan. How are you going to get those 10 [00:05:00] leads?
[00:05:00] Brandee Gaar: You can’t just post and pray. I talk about social media all the time. You guys know I’m like, post every day. Be consistent. I’ll tell you all day long, social media is definitely the way to find new clients, and I stand by that. However, you cannot just post and pray that the business will come in.
[00:05:18] Brandee Gaar: You need a full marketing strategy to bring in those 10 leads. Hopefully you’ve been doing some different lead generation over the last year and you’re starting to see what works and what doesn’t work. Does it work for you to post in Facebook groups where engaged couples are hanging out?
[00:05:34] Brandee Gaar: Is that something that could be helpful for you? Does it help to be able to collaborate on post with other vendors? Does it help for you to go visit venues and give them your card and talk to them more about what you do? Does it help to be able to send an email to some of your preferred vendors and say, Hey, I have these specific dates open and I would love to be able to give your clients a discount because I love working with you so much. [00:06:00] Whatever it is, you know that your mission for that month is to drive 10 new leads into your business and. You cannot just hope they come in. That’s what this episode is all about. I don’t want you to run your business anymore in a way that’s like, I mean, I hope I get enough weddings to hit that goal.
[00:06:20] Brandee Gaar: No! You need to know what the need is, assess the need, and then make a plan to go get that business, period. That’s how simple it is.
[00:06:29] Brandee Gaar: And number three, I kind of just let us right there, is to stop making excuses. Just stop making excuses. I found myself doing this last week. Okay. I’ll give you an example just so you guys know, I’m not perfect here. I’m not coming on this episode to say you should do this because I’ve mastered it. Absolutely not. I struggle with this too, and I have to be reminded of these things myself and then I bring those messages to you to say, Hey, I’ve been struggling with this. I’m sure that there’s some of you out there that are struggling with it as well.
[00:06:59] Brandee Gaar: [00:07:00] Stop making excuses. I’ve really started to go all in on TikTok. I am determined to master this platform. I’m determined to make it work. I know that there are wedding professionals that need to be reached over there.
[00:07:15] Brandee Gaar: I know, I know. So I’ve spent at least a month, if not longer, scrolling TikTok, understanding what other people are posting, taking our Instagram posts and posting ’em over on TikTok just to have some content there. But really, not taking action, which is what we’ve been talking about, right?
[00:07:29] Brandee Gaar: So I started following this TikTok influencer, she’s a business coach, and she was like, you have to post three times a day on this platform. Like anything less is simply not gonna drive the result that you want. Oh, now . One time a day is like absurd. Okay, to me, I’m like, how do you post seven days a week?
[00:07:51] Brandee Gaar: That feels so overwhelming. and I started making excuses. I started saying, well, she doesn’t have kids, right? She doesn’t have kids. I have three [00:08:00] kids. I run around all day. She doesn’t have another business. I still have blush. I am very involved in just like coaching and mentoring my team over there, making sure everything’s running.
[00:08:09] Brandee Gaar: And so I started making all of these excuses as to why I couldn’t post three times a day instead of just being like, I want those results. And while I’m not a hundred percent positive that she’s right, that posting three times a day is what you need to do. I started doing it a couple days ago and I’ll tell you it’s definitely made a difference.
[00:08:32] Brandee Gaar: So now will I start to see revenue from that or will I really actually start to see virality? I don’t know. Only time will tell, but if I’m gonna follow her and I’m going to try to implement her information instead of making excuses as to why I can’t do it, I’d rather just make a plan to say, I’m gonna try it.
[00:08:52] Brandee Gaar: Like I think this sounds like sound advice. I’ve been following her for a while. I really, really like her content. So if that’s the case, why would I [00:09:00] not just make a plan to implement it? And I hope that you guys hear that from me as someone that you’re following. When I come on the podcast and I share tips with you, or I’m doing a reel about, here’s what you need to do in your reels, here’s what you need to do on Instagram, here’s how you need to make profit.
[00:09:16] Brandee Gaar: Like here’s how you need to adjust your packages. When I say that you can make an excuse and tell me, oh, well my market won’t bear that price, or I’ll never be able to do a hundred thousand dollars in revenue because my market is too small. Or, I only booked one client last year, so there’s no way I can book three clients this year.
[00:09:35] Brandee Gaar: And I would say to you, Stop making excuses. If you follow me on my podcast, my Instagram, YouTube, even. Did you know that we have a YouTube channel, on TikTok now? All the places, if you follow me and you value what I’ve built and you want something similar for your business, you want a wedding business that is profitable and pays you a living wage
[00:09:57] Brandee Gaar: and does not require your constant oversight like [00:10:00] you actually can do other things, and now I have to plan weddings every single weekend. If you value that and that’s why you follow me, then why not actually take action on the tips that I give you? And listen, like I said, I am not perfect here. I had to remind myself of that this week instead of making excuses about why the coach that I’m following has a better ability to do the things.
[00:10:23] Brandee Gaar: Why not just make the things work for my lifestyle? Right? I know that I can take action on them. I’m just choosing not to. And so the difference between whether I will succeed on TikTok or whether I will fail on TikTok is whether I take action on the advice that I’ve been given. And so I really want to just leave you with that note, you guys on this podcast, I really want you to marinate on that this week.
[00:10:48] Brandee Gaar: I hope that this message really resonates with you and you can hear me and you can say, you know what?
[00:10:54] Brandee Gaar: No, I’m not gonna post and pray next year. I’m not just gonna hope that the amount of business I need comes in. [00:11:00] I’m going to actually know what I need to do. I’m gonna assess the needs of my business. I’m gonna make a plan to achieve it, and I am not gonna allow myself to make excuses as to why it’s not working.
[00:11:12] Brandee Gaar: I’m gonna keep reiterating. Maybe you need to change the plan. Maybe you need to do something different as you start to see if things work or don’t, but you have to keep taking action. That’s the difference between whether your business will succeed or may not in 2023. So you guys, thank you so much for being here.
[00:11:29] Brandee Gaar: If you celebrate Christmas, I hope that you have an amazing Christmas weekend. I’m so excited about this weekend, and I cannot wait to drop our last few episodes of 2022 and to see you back here in 2023. I’ll see you next time.
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