Brandee Gaar


Brandee is a proven sales + profit strategist with a decade-long track record for helping wedding professionals transform their businesses from expensive hobbies to thriving careers. 


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“I want you to get into a community of people that are gonna drive you to be even better.”
-Brandee Gaar

Transcript of Short 55 – Let Success Be Your Response.

The Wedding Pro CEO SHORTS are quick, bite-sized episodes are meant to inspire you as you build the business you’re dreaming of! 

[00:00:00] Brandee Gaar: Hey, they’re CEOs. Welcome to today’s Thursday short of the Wedding Pro CEO podcast. My name is Brandee Gaar, and I’m your host and I show up here every single week to help you build a profitable wedding business that you actually love. One that does not create overwhelm and burnout, and one that does pay you a full-time salary.

On today’s show, I wanna talk about, letting success be your response. So a few weeks ago I saw a post by a fellow educator, Terrica, I’m sure most of you know her. She’s a force in the wedding education space. She’s also a wedding planner on the East coast. And I saw this post and it said exactly that. It said, let’s success be your response.

And I was like, yes. Say it again because I wholeheartedly believe in this so very much. But what’s interesting to me is since I saw that post, it’s actually come up multiple times in the last couple weeks. I keep bringing it up in different situations with friends,

[00:01:00] with coworkers, with fellow educators, and most recently with my daughters, now I have three girls, almost all teenagers.

And you can imagine that this conversation comes up a lot in our. But I really thought, you know, this has come up so much. I want to bring it to the podcast because I think we can all use a reminder from time to time that you are always going to have people that don’t agree with the way that you do something.

Or I, I mean, you could go as strong as saying the word hater. I hate that word though, because it’s always like, it gives them too much clout. But let’s just use it for sake of, we all know what that means. Right? You might have some haters. For instance, when I first started my wedding business 16 years ago, which feels crazy, um, I actually had some people who were not kind to me when I first started in the industry.

And by not kind, I mean that they made my job more difficult. I would hear that they were gossiping behind my back saying that I thought that I was the next best thing since sliced bread and listen,

[00:02:00] fine. More power to ’em, right? That’s okay. There’s always going to be someone who’s not cheering on your journey who either doesn’t understand it, or may I be so bold as to say they’re afraid of what you might take from their business, and that’s called a scarcity mindset.

Now, I want you to understand that this is always gonna happen. When I started my coaching business, I actually had a fellow educator tell me, my teaching was very elementary, that I was only going to be able to teach brand new wedding planners, and I obviously have a passion for middle-preneurs.

You guys know that about me at this point. If you listen to my podcast and I love teaching people who are about five years in business and are scaling, like that’s where I wanna be. That’s what I was passionate about. And I had a fellow educator tell me that I was not gonna be able to do that, that I, really needed to focus on brand new planners because I was new to the coaching space and that that’s

[00:03:00] where I needed to stay in my lane. And they said it kinder than that, but the message was clear, right? And so here’s the thing that I want you to know, and both of those circumstances, I’ve never looked back.

I never. Want to look back at the people who are telling me I can’t do something, because what I wanna do is I wanna prove them wrong. Like I want to show them that success will be my response. I don’t need to go back to them and defend all the reasons that they’re wrong. I don’t need to tell them all the reasons they’re wrong.

I don’t need to spend countless hours looking at their Instagram or looking at what they’re selling or looking at what they’re doing in the industry to say, oh, I’m doing better. That doesn’t matter. I want to stay in my lane and I wanna focus forward. There’s a couple things that I want to help you to understand this right.

When you’re swimming. I think some of you may have heard this before, but like when you’re swimming, this is a great example of, you know, you’re doing the laps, you’re doing the laps, and you’re, you’re focused on the

[00:04:00] end of the pool. You’re like, I’ve just gotta get there. And when you’re focused on where you’re going, you have such direction, such clarity.

You’re like, I’m in my lane. I don’t even know who’s around me. I’m not even opening my eyes, I’m just looking straight ahead towards the end of that pool. Cause that’s where I’m going. That’s my goal. Right? But when you take a second and you look to the side, or you look to see who’s behind you or how close they are.

You’re distracted. You slow down. Your own journey looks different and it’s, it gets muddy because you’ve now gotten off course, you’ve looked back. And y’all, I promise you that no one that’s in front of you is gonna be the one telling you that you can’t do it.

“And what I want you to know is that for every second that you spend looking back at what they’re doing, you’re taking your eyes and your time and your energy away from your own journey. You’re taking that away from what you are focused on.”

Brandee Gaar

They’re not because they’ve done it. They know that you can do it, right? 

It’s the people behind you that are like, oh, you’re shooting too high. You’re shooting too high. You can’t do it because they can’t. And what I want you to know is that for every second that you spend looking back at what they’re doing, you’re taking your eyes and your time and your energy away from

[00:05:00] your own journey. You’re taking that away from what you are focused on. There is absolutely no reason that you need to be looking at their Instagram, you just don’t, you don’t need to be looking at their sales pages. You don’t need to understand how much business they have in the industry, because to be perfectly honest, they’re never gonna tell you the truth anyway.

What I want you to do is I want you to focus on your own lane. I want you to focus on your own journey, and I want you to let success be your response to those people. I want you to find someone a few steps ahead of you, to push you, to help you to see that it’s possible. I want you to find somebody that encourages you, that makes you say, wow, I wanna be like that, right?

I want you to find your own lane, but I want you to see somebody that’s two seconds faster than you in the swimming pool, and I want you to say, now I have to beat that. Now I have to beat that. Let them set the carrot, let them show you what’s possible, and then beat it. That’s exciting, that’s

[00:06:00] encouraging, that’s pushing each other to be better.

But somebody behind you telling you that you can’t do it or that you shouldn’t do it, that is not somebody you should be listening to. They haven’t walked the shoes yet. They haven’t done it. They don’t believe it’s possible. Their mindset’s not the one I want. I want that mindset. My friend Megan Gillikin.

You guys know that we are very good friends. We’re both educators in the space. A lot of you listen to her podcast and my podcast, and she… It’s so funny when we chat, I always tell her I’m chasing you. And I, I, I think that she finds that endearing, sometimes I think she gets a little afraid of me, but like afraid of me and like, what do you mean you’re chasing me?

We always have fun with it because I always tell her it’s like, 

a runner, like a marathon runner. Like when you’re training, you wanna have somebody who’s like three seconds faster than you, right? You wanna have a, a running partner that’s pushing you to be a little bit better. That’s the one that’s, that’s saying, yeah, come on.

Like, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go. And you’re sharing ideas and you’re sharing training tips, and you’re. Pushing each other to see which one can cross the finish line

[00:07:00] faster. I love having Megan be that person for me because I love seeing what she’s doing. She’s got such an incredible podcast, such an incredible, platform for wedding planners.

She is amazing and I love getting to just like see her fire and, and it makes me see that it’s possible and I wanna chase it even harder, right? I’m constantly like, I am chasing your download numbers. I am chasing you. I’m chasing you, and I love it because we have a good time together, like we share ideas and we encourage each other to be even better for our communities.

We have very, very different communities. I’m able to share ideas with her. She’s able to share ideas with me, and I love it. But somebody that’s behind me, an educator that has a scarcity mindset that’s more afraid of what I’m gonna take from their piece of the pie, is absolutely not somebody I wanna spend one second on.

There is no time in my day to go look at their Instagram account to go look at what they’re doing, to talk to people about what they’re doing. There’s no time in my day because I have precious

[00:08:00] minutes, and I only want those precious minutes to be spent on my own success. And then I don’t need to go back and say, Hey, here’s why you were wrong about what I can and can’t do.

I’m able to just let success be my response. And so 

I want to encourage you guys for this same thing. If there’s somebody in your market, if there’s somebody even in your personal life that’s saying, Hey, you’re not cut out for this, or, Hey, this isn’t right, or, um, you shouldn’t be doing this, or That’s not possible, I just wanna encourage you and say,

it’s 100% possible. I want you to get into a community of people that are gonna say, it’s not only possible, it’s so attainable, and here’s how you do it. I want you to get into a community of people that are gonna drive you to be even better. 

People that are one step ahead of you that you can just pull you along and say, yes, girl.

Come on. We’re waiting for you at the finish line. Like, that’s what I want for you so bad. If you haven’t already joined us in the Wedding Pro CEO community, that’s my free community on Facebook. You guys come over there. We

[00:09:00] absolutely love encouraging each other. We have no time for the people that are hating in the background. We only wanna bring each other across the finish line. We only wanna pull each other up. We wanna build each other up. We are here to change this industry and to make it industry that is done with overwhelm and burnout, and that is so ready to help each other build these successful businesses and to say, success is our response. So if you haven’t already joined us in the Wedding Pro CEO community, it’s my free private Facebook community. Come on over, come over. The link is in the show us below. I’d love to see you there. 

Come over and tell us like, what’s one thing you’re working on right now that you want us to, to drive you over that finish line that you want us to say, yes girl, you got this.

Like you can so do it. I wanna know. 

 And you guys, thank you so much for being here every single week. I cannot wait to see your success and to let it be your response to anybody who’s ever told you that you can’t do it.

Thank you so much you guys. I’ll see you next time.


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