Continuing our theme of the best things from 2021, I wanted to share the three best lessons I’ve learned this year as a business owner! And they might surprise you…
Truth is, as I’ve watched my kids grow up and I’ve been growing my team at both Blush and my coaching business, I’ve taken more time to prioritize my mental and physical health so I can be the best boss and the best mom I can be!
Gone are the days I could pull all-nighters, blaze through the day without drinking water, and operate solely on caffeine — in 2021, I realized that it’s time to focus on what makes me feel best so I can perform at my best.
Let’s jump in!
It’s no secret that many entrepreneurs struggle with anxiety despite all of us being well-aware that it’s terrible for our mental and physical health. However, it’s difficult not to feel the pressure and anxiety with the responsibilities we have!
We work hard all day, only to lay awake all night worrying about things such as whether our businesses will make enough money, whether we’re spending too much on our business, if there will be enough clients next month, if people like us, are we good enough business owners, and the list goes on!
I’ve worked hard to try and let go of the worry this year. I’m sure many of you can relate when I say worry only fills me with negative thoughts and affects my sleep, which doesn’t help me show up as the best version of me that I can for my employees and clients.
Now, I’ve made an effort to become more conscious of my mental health, and I try to make a plan (or at least some simple next steps) to tackle whatever it is that’s bothering me. The best method that’s helped me mitigate late-night anxieties? Instead of laying awake at night, worried about this and that, I tell myself facts because spoil alert: feelings aren’t facts! Fear lives in the unknown, and the only way to battle it is with truth.
This one has been especially true for me lately because, well, I’m not 27 years old anymore!
There was an era where I was able to pull all-nighters and still get up the next day, ready to tackle my to-do list with no problem. But that’s definitely not the case anymore. I need sleep, sufficient rest, and some downtime to ensure I am mentally sharp when I need to be.
But how do I prioritize rest? It’s a challenging feat and takes some trial-and-error, but I have figured out the boundaries I need to set within my business so I can protect my sleep. That looks like cutting myself off from working at a certain time, time blocking my schedule so I don’t overbook myself with meetings and tasks, and (literally) penciling time into my day for personal or self-growth activities.
Now, that’s not to say an occasional all-nighter doesn’t happen. After all, I am a business owner, and sometimes, duty calls! But it’s a very rare occasion, and I make sure to plan my week as best as I can to mitigate feeling overwhelmed by any late nights I do have to work.
With this third tip, you’re probably thinking, duh, Brandee! But seriously, count how many glasses of water you’ve had today. 😉 This is an overlooked yet simple solution for keeping sane in the busy life of entrepreneurship.
It wasn’t until — and don’t judge me for this! — this year that I started drinking water! Up until this point, I drank an embarrassing small amount of water because I didn’t like it, so I never prioritized it. I heard how water can help with brain fog and alertness, so I decided to put effort into drinking more water. And I’ve felt a difference! It helps me feel more refreshed, and it even has made my skin look more vibrant!
Now, I’ve made a point to drink more water in sneaky ways. For example, I drink a full glass of water before I treat myself to coffee every morning. After that, I aim for six more glasses throughout the day.
Can you tell most of my best lessons were about physical and mental health? I’m absolutely terrible at prioritizing these aspects for myself, but they are so important to us as entrepreneurs — and just as human beings.
I’m just now realizing that it’s crucial that we take care of ourselves so we can take care of everything and everyone who is important to us. Without helping ourselves, we can’t help our business or the people that support our business like our employees and clients! I hope that you can recognize this too, and you can think about ways to fill your own cup before it gets too empty as we head into 2022.
Continuing our theme of the best things from 2021, I wanted to share the three best lessons I’ve learned this year as a business owner! And they might surprise you… Truth is, as I’ve watched my kids grow up and I’ve been growing my team at both Blush and my coaching business, I’ve taken more […]
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