What’s In My Bag??
I thought I’d keep it light and fun as we’re all getting back into the swing of things. I mean…do any of us even know what day it is?? That abyss of time between Christmas and the New Year where we aren’t sure if we’re supposed to relax, work, shop, eat, get dressed or chill in our jammies all day. Don’t sweat it! Enjoy this confusing time while it lasts….we have 51 more weeks this year to keep a schedule!
So let’s play “What’s In Her Bag”! I think what you keep in your bag is very telling of your overall personality, don’t ya think?? I am a minimalist. I don’t like clutter or “stuff”. My mantra is if I haven’t touched it in 6 months I don’t need it (and if I discover I did need it I can get a new one then!).
Clutter gives me anxiety and makes me feel out of control so I am very careful to keep my bag cleaned out and organized. The downside is I’ll never be the girl who wins at that game where they ask you to find random things in your purse (hairpin, old hotel room key, etc…)! Haha! I guess I’ll just have to be ok with that!!
All this to say, there are a few things I NEVER leave the house without!
So those are my top 5! What are the top 5 things you must always have in your bag?? Inquiring minds want to know!
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