Hey, they’re CEOs. Welcome to the Wedding Pro CEO podcast. I’m your host, Brandee Gaar, and my mission is to help you, the wedding industry entrepreneur, to build a profitable wedding business that you’ve always dreamed of.
In today’s episode, I talk about why your business isn’t growing! There is nothing more frustrating than feeling like you are constantly working. Every single weekend, every single day, those long nights, the sleepless nights, and the endless to-do lists, all to feel like your business isn’t getting anywhere. Well, I was scrolling on TikTok the other day and came across a video that really got to me and I wanted to share the message with you guys!
In this TikTok, it was a woman and she was talking about how she had purchased a snake and she noticed that when it went to shed its skin, it only shed its skin and didn’t shed it’s eyeballs. So, she took her snake to the vet and the vet was asking lots of questions and said, how old is your snake? He’s five years old and the vet said, there’s absolutely no way this snake is five years old. It’s too tiny. The vet asked her, what size tank do you have it in? she said “I have it in a 20 gallon tank” and he said, “well, this snake should be in a 50 gallon tank, and snakes only grow to the size of their environment, so the reason your snake hasn’t grown to its full potential size is because its tank is too small.”
Now why am I sharing this with you? I share this with you guys because so often our businesses aren’t growing because our tank is too small. What we think our business can do is too small!! Our mindset is way too small.
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I have fallen victim to this, more times than I can count, and I think we all do at some point! How many times, as a business owner have you said “oh my gosh, there’s no way that I could charge that much”, or “there’s no way that I could make that much”, or “there’s no way that I could pay myself that much”? Instead, if we were to surround ourselves with people who were already doing it, we could see that it’s not only possible, but there’s other people who were actually doing what we want to do.
Sometimes, as business owners, to grow the size of our tank often means to have to grow the size of our community. This doesn’t mean how many people are in our community, but the quality of the community that we’re in!
Last year when I was setting my budget, I was actually messaging back and forth with. Another coach friend of mine, who’s also in the wedding industry, and we were chatting back and forth about what we were setting our revenue goals as. Honestly, I set my revenue goal quite low for this year in my coaching business because in the last two years that I’ve been a coach and my business is brand new. But one of the main issues is that I wasn’t surrounding myself with people that are doing what I’m doing!
“Double your income every year and strive for growth in your first five years of business.”
Brandee Gaar
Last year, in December of 2022, when I set my budget for 2023 in my coaching business, I only had it growing by 10%. Of course, 10% can be a lot of growth once you’re an established business, but as a business that is growing and is in those first couple years of business, you should be doubling your income every single year, especially in the first five years of business.
I know better, but my mindset was too small! So instead of thinking bug and telling myself “I absolutely will hit these numbers” and make those numbers bigger and strive to hit them, I made them smaller. By doing that, I made myself smaller and that made my tank smaller.
In February of this year of 2023, I realized what I was doing. I was like, I am playing so small. I wasn’t surrounding myself with the businesses that I want to be. Why am I doing that? I should be surrounding myself with business owners who’ve already hit a million dollars in their business so that when I start having those mindset doubts that I can’t do it, I can see that it’s possible and I can have people that are pulling me along, right?
So, in February I joined a mastermind group of Million Dollar Coaches. Now, my current goal right now isn’t to hit a million dollars in my coaching business, but now I do have a very, very aggressive goal now in my coaching business. Why was I able to do this? Because I’ve been able to see how much of an impact my courses make on Wedding Pros that are growing and scaling their business.
“Don’t undervalue your time. Build a profitable business you love.”
Brandee Gaar
You can make an incredible salary, an incredible lifestyle, doing what you love. So many of us got into the wedding industry because we love serving people on their most important day, and then we forget that we also have to serve ourselves and make a living doing it!
So when I joined the million dollar coaches, that’s when I knew I grew my tank. And by doing that, by growing that mindset, by putting myself into a larger tank and seeing what else was possible. I started growing myself. Just like that snake.
So what I wanna encourage you today, is to get yourself in a bigger tank. If you are in a place in business where everyone in your circle is in the same place that you are in, you’ve got to think bigger. You’ve got to get yourself inside a bigger tank. I want you to be surrounding yourself with people who have already hit half a million dollars in their business who have already stepped into the role of CEO, and have already built incredible teams and are leading those teams and coaching their teams.
If you feel like you’re not there yet, that’s the whole point. The whole point is to put yourself in a bigger tank so that you can grow. If you keep yourself in that small tank and you keep surrounding yourself with people who have done a little less than you or the same as you, you aren’t going to grow because your mindset will keep you stuck there.
So I just wanna encourage you. Come join my group inside the accelerator. Come join us for next year’s Wedding Pro CEO Summit. Join me for one-on-one coaching. I want you to get inside one of my programs. I want to help you reach your fullest potential. I want to help you get inside a bigger tank, and I am here for it.
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Bye for now!!! 😊
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