If you’ve been following me for a bit, you may have noticed our website looks quite different! And if you just arrived, hello, and welcome to our community! Let me explain what I’m talking about: my business just went through an entire rebrand, and this is my first blog published on the new website!
Since the launch a few days ago, I’ve been getting a lot of questions asking how I knew it was time to go through a rebrand. Since many of you are also growing and scaling your businesses, the thought of rebranding has probably come up before. But the mental, emotional, and physical work; and the financial investment can be intimidating.
Is a rebrand worth it? What can you expect when you go through a rebrand?
I wanted to take today to answer your questions by discussing my experience. If you’re thinking about going through a rebranding process but not sure if it’s the time yet, hopefully, this blog post will help you get a clearer idea!
This isn’t the first time I’ve said this, but I’ll keep repeating it: as a creative, service-based entrepreneur, it’s crucial to accept that your business will likely change over the years as you grow and as your business grows. In fact, a common reason entrepreneurs don’t go full-time with their business is because of this rigid, perfectionist mindset around the idea their company needs to be flawless before going all in.
Have you ever thought to yourself anything similar to these thoughts below?
“I can go full-time once I get my website the way I want it to look like.”
“I can’t take clients until I know exactly who my ideal client is.”
“I can’t launch this program until everything looks and feels perfectly put together.”
I know I’ve been guilty of this in the past! But here’s the truth: it’s perfectly fine if you don’t have the ‘most creative’ website, the ‘most beautiful’ logo, or the ‘most perfect’ course in your market. You just have to get started with something simple — your ‘starter website’, if you will — so you can start providing value to the world.
Our previous website was good enough to get our business off the ground and it allowed me to work with many amazing clients. But as time went on, we felt more confident and secure in the direction we wanted this business to go (more on that in the third and fourth reasons!), and we wanted to elevate our existing brand.
It’s easy to see the final product of a project ( for example, this website) and think the process was all smooth sailing, intuitive, and like it was an overnight success. The reality looks more like this: a ton of hard work, professional help, and constant tweaking and refining.
As our business grew and I added more templates, courses, and other learning materials to the website, it became increasingly difficult to navigate. There were too many outside links (even broken links), and confusing information about where to find what.
At the beginning of anyone’s entrepreneurial journey, I always advocate for having a simple website. You should at least have a home page, a services page, and a contact page. But as you expand, you’ll most likely have ideas on how to add more value to your clients.
For example, say you’re a wedding photographer, and other wedding photographers start coming to you for advice. You realize you give similar advice to all the photographers who come up to you, so you decide to offer a course to wedding professionals about photography. Later down the road, you notice a pattern in a specific pain point your clients are dealing with, so you decide to offer a guide for them to purchase that provides a solution to this specific pain point. Then, you hire a videographer and add videography packages to your website, and so on. If you don’t have help from a website designer and strategist, you can see how your website can build until it gets cluttered.
Our starter website was going through this. At the end of the day, no matter what stage of business you’re in, one thing remains the same: you always want your website to be easy to navigate. Confusion repels clients and consequently, hurts your chances of running a thriving business.
When I started this business, I felt confident as a coach because I had experience growing my own businesses from scratch into 6-figure businesses. In fact, the reason I started this coaching business was because I had learned a lot from my experience and I have a passion for helping other people grow and flourish as entrepreneurs. However, that doesn’t negate the fact that being an official coach was still new.
At the beginning, my starter website was enough to build my client base and grow my brand. As I went along in my journey, I grew as a coach and mentor, and began adding learning opportunities I couldn’t have foreseen when I first started as a coach. With all this growth also came with the recognition of what types of clients I wanted to impact, which brings me to my next point!
Though I had a fairly cohesive brand strategy to start with, a complete overhaul was eventually necessary, especially because I was at a point in my business where I could pinpoint the type of clients I wanted to work with. I had been in business long enough that I didn’t have to experiment with several client profiles anymore. I knew exactly the type of people who energized me, boosted my creativity, and made me feel the most fulfilled.
And let’s not forget about all the other platforms you’ll use to raise brand awareness besides your website. With a strong brand message and a cohesive brand across all platforms, you can attract more of your ideal clients, turn more leads and followers into paying clients, and establish yourself as the leader in your niche.
For example, with this rebrand, I got to hone in the characteristics of my ideal clients and craft brand messaging that would speak to them directly. What does that mean for my social media platforms? I’m attracting more of my ideal clients since I have this strong, cohesive brand. I also know their pain points in more detail, so I can provide content I know they’ll find valuable. From there, I can lead them through a funnel that turns them from a follower into a lead into a paying client.
Hopefully, this blog post made it more clear if your business is ready for a rebrand! I know taking this next step for your business can feel daunting — it’s not a simple decision. But it’s eventually necessary if you want to start attracting higher-quality clients, achieving more profit so you can pay yourself and your employees a fair wage, and feel more confident in your brand!
If you’ve been following me for a bit, you may have noticed our website looks quite different! And if you just arrived, hello, and welcome to our community! Let me explain what I’m talking about: my business just went through an entire rebrand, and this is my first blog published on the new website! Since […]
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